Whats Satan's objective in tempting you? He wants to draw us away from God and he knows exactly what it takes to do it - the material things, the sensual things. The devil can change and thwart Gods purpose in your life by moving your attention to earthly things, and deny you the wanting or worshiping of God. He's got a whole plate full of things to tempt us. He is the destroyer of our desire to pray, to love, and to want salvation. Satan distracts us from hearing the truth so that we will keep moving in a direction away from God, so that we continue to watch television and allow our children to spend hours each day playing video games, watching tv and scrolling through social media. We all have something we're tempted by, and sometimes we are defeated and we yield. Satan will tell you why you don't have time to read the bible, he tells you "Why even read it when you don't understand it?" Anything he can do to get your mind off of spiritual things he will do. He will destroy and divide relationships and bring about sexual sin. "You ought to be this, you ought to be that," he says. So think about it brothers and sisters, he is working against you, you're trying to save money but you spend on materialistic things or "You don't know about my situation," we say, well God knows everything about you, and all your excuses God has heard them all and they don't come from God they come from the Devil.